Tragic Turn of Events

Subtitle: On an Otherwise Flawless San Diego Evening

Tragic Turn of Events is part of a series that speaks of what each of us can do to change our world. Sure, there's a bit of irony and humor in the imagery . . . but who doesn't need that?

We may feel powerless, but every small change in our behaviors can make a difference. The simple act of taking responsibility for our actions can affect others in ways some of us can't ever imagine. UBUNTU: I am because we are.

Tragic Turn of Events
Original Size:
18" X 12"
Available Sizes:
  • Original at 18" X 12"
  • 18" X 12" prints
  • 11" X 8.5" prints
  • 7" X 5" cards
Completion Date:
November 3, 2016



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