Point Loma

Point Loma is not really a landscape painting, at least, that's not how I intended it.

It's about a girl discovering a new adventure, squinting into the setting sun, peering into the distance on tippy-toes and wondering where it should take her. The path to the left beckons, and you can see where it leads, the footfalls of former travelers showing you the way . . . . let's go.

Sure it's a long walk back. But you will never know if you don't choose.

Point Loma
Original Size:
24" X 18"
Available Sizes:
  • Original at 24" X 18"
  • 24" X 18" prints
  • 16" X 12" prints
  • 8.5" X 11" prints
  • 5" X 7" cards
Completion Date:
October 09, 2013



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