Someone Else’s Problem

On a recent travel we were at an AmTrak station with many quaint decorations and brickwork. Almost unnoticed was a side alcove for waiting passengers, tucked out of the way off the platform.

I was hypnotized by the deep perspective of the brick patterns, drawn in to the beauty and craftsmanship that went into this little alcove, until the litter and refuse of people who had been here sang out like an exclamation point, turning a quiet spot among the noise and chaos into a sad commentary on who we are as humans.

One of the greatest things we can do to save our planet is to give our best effort to avoid making our presence here someone else's problem. I can't say it enough: we can't change people, all we have control over is ourselves, and by our actions, be the force that inspires others to follow.

Someone Else's Problem
Original Size:
18" X 24"
Available Sizes:
  • Framed original 18" X 24"
  • 18" X 24" prints
  • 12" X 16" prints
  • 8.5" X 11" prints
  • 5" X 7" cards
Completion Date:
May 25, 2017



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