A Moment to Myself

Just give me a minute, will you? Can I take a breath, hear and do and think about NOTHING for just one minute?

No one can give this to you any more than they are taking it away from you. Sure, children and life make demands, but sooner or later you have to find those moments in between and let go of what you think you should do, what life tells you need to do, and choose.

Take that moment and revel in it. Enjoy the soft afternoon light, browse through a book - you don't have to even actually read it, just be thankful you have the choice not to - and recharge.

I love seeing moments like this. And just as much, love letting them be.

A Moment to Myself
Original Size:
18" X 12"
Available Sizes:
  • Original at 18" X 12"
  • 18" X 12" prints
  • 11" X 8.5" prints
  • 5" X 7" cards
Completion Date:
April 9, 2015



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